CGA 2023: Register via Check Payment

If you would like to use a check to pay for your CGA packages, tickets & advertising options, you may begin by submitting your information here.
If you would prefer to submit electronic payment, please visit the main registration page instead.

1. Select Packages, Tickets & Advertising Options

Dinner Table ($1,500)

2.Your Information

Payments by check can be mailed to:
The Labor Guild
66 Brooks Drive
Braintree, MA 02184

Checks may be made out to: The Labor Guild, for the total amount of your selected ticket and sponsorship options:
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Package, Ticket & Advertising Option Descriptions

Presenting Sponsor

: Table for 10, dinner, special recognition, premium digital ad placements, premium position full-page ad in the program book, name/logo on the website, and more.

Platinum Sponsor

: Table for 10, dinner, premium digital ad placements, full-page ad in the program book, name/logo on the website.

Dinner Table

: Table for 10, dinner, listing in the program.

Gold Sponsor

: Full-page ad in the program book, digital ad placements, name/logo on the website.

Silver Sponsor

: 1/2-page ad in the program book, digital ad placements, name/logo on the website.

Bronze Sponsor

: 1/4-page ad in the program book, name/logo on the website.

Individual Ticket

: Dinner.