Selection Process

Each year, the Labor Guild of Boston, affiliated with the Archdiocese of Boston, recognizes four outstanding practitioners in the area of labor-management relations. Awardees are selected for their commitment to labor-management relations, professional competence, moral integrity, and concern for the community. FOUR awards are presented each year to actively functioning representatives

  1. Union Official – either elected or appointed.
  2. Management Representative – either public or private sector.
  3. Rev. Ed Boyle, SJ – Auxiliary – embraces such groups as arbitrators, academics, and public agency personnel, and support professionals.
  4. Labor-Management Counsel – Attorneys in private practice serving as counsel for either management or labor. This year’s award is for a labor-side attorney.

Nominees must work within the geographic area of the Archdiocese of Boston – that means, roughly, Eastern Massachusetts. Nominations are open to people of all faiths.

Nominations for the 2024 Cushing-Gavin Awards are closed.

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