Happy Fat Tuesday, Doers of Justice! From MA Interfaith Worker Justice
It’s Lent! A Perfect Time for a Fast from Fast Food!
Please join MA IWJ & the Wage Action Coalition
for a nationwide day of action on April 15th?
By Paul Drake
Massachusetts Interfaith Worker Justice (MA IWJ)
The Fight for 15 has blossomed into a movement of workers across all industries, coming together to call for just wages and working conditions. Their courage in speaking up has empowered more workers to step out in faith for a real voice on the job, and helped spark our Minimum Wage and Earned Sick Time wins in the legislature and the ballot here in Massachusetts.
This Lenten season, Interfaith Worker Justice is inviting people nationwide to participate in the Fast from Fast Food.
Starting tomorrow, people from many faith backgrounds will be refraining from patronizing fast food establishments for the 40 days of Lent. It is a spiritual act of solidarity with Fast Food workers, who face poverty wages, erratic schedules, rampant wage theft, and little voice at their workplaces.
Together we can discipline our hearts to feel their struggle in a deeper way, by fasting from fast food, and preparing ourselves to stand with them in the coming weeks as they take action in the streets.
Namely, we are excited to be coming together for a nationwide day of action on April 15th, as workers, community members, and people of faith. Together we will bear collective witness to our shared struggle for economic relationships that respect the needs and humanity of all people.
Will you join us & the Wage Action Coalition
for a nationwide day of action on April 15th? 
Save the date! In the meantime, we hope you will join in preparing our hearts
for April 15th by fasting from fast food! Stay tuned for more details!
Fight for $15 Val logoPeople of faith have stood with fast food workers from the beginning. This past Saturday — Valentine’s Day — we lifted up retail & restaurant workers in Dorchester, connecting with workers & shoppers alike. (It was a big hit! Check out great video coverage here!)
CLICK HERE to Preview YouTube video Fight for $15: Valentine’s Day Visibility Action
Paul Drake
Massachusetts Interfaith Worker Justice
145 Tremont Street, Suite 202
Boston, MA 02111
(617) 650-4457 (cell)
(617) 316-0443 (office)
Fight for $15: Valentine’s Day Visibility Action
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