Our Affordable Care Act (ACA) Resource Page is UP!

David Brenner giving ACA Forum keynote presentation
As promised, an ACA Resources Page is UP!
Click here…
You’ll find links to some terrific slide presentations and handouts that were displayed at the May 3rd ACA Labor Healthcare Forum held at IBEW Local 103’s Hall.
This event was sponsored by the Massachusetts AFL-CIO and the Labor Guild. Again our thanks to our wonderful presenters and panelists, a great Planning Committee — and of course, our terrific audience.
You’ll also find related related articles, materials, and some terrific web sources on the Affordable Care Act. Plus a link to photos of the ACA Forum.
There’s quite a bit of video from the ACA Forum that’s being edited — that we also plan to share.

Audience listening intently at ACA Forum Plenary.
Right now, the Resource Page includes great ACA-Healthcare Reform information from:
- David Brenner, Segal Company
- John Brouder, Boston Benefits Partners
- Mary Jane MacArthur, LIUNA, The Laborers Health & Safety Fund of North America.
- The White House Health Reform site
- Healthcare.gov
- U.S. Department of Labor
- Labor Notes
- UC Berkeley Labor Center
- Health Reform l Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation.
Link alternative to Resource page? Just cut and paste this URL: http://laborguild.com/post-aca-labor-forum-resources/
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