Elissa C. Cadillic, M.Ed
Elissa C. Cadillic has been the President of AFSCME 1526, Boston Public Library Employees Union, Boston, MA, since 2005. Her role is representing her members by bargaining with leadership and City of Boston representatives including CBA, discipline, mid-term bargaining, job descriptions, and much more. As a union representative, she works with a variety of coalitions to improve working conditions and support community change. She has taught classes about coalitions, steward training, health and safety, and has been involved in campaigns to pass legislation to protect working people. She is currently the Chair of the Board of Directors for the Massachusetts Coalition of Safety and Health and the Chair of the City of Boston Public Employees Committee. She is a board member on the Massachusetts Governor’s Employee Safety and Health Advisory Committee and the Labor Guild. Elissa has received the Massachusetts Unsung Heroine Award, Recognition from the Boston City Council for Commitment to Building a Better Boston, and the AFSCME Council 93 award in recognition of being a true trade unionist. Her full profile and educational philosophy can be found: https://elissacadillic.wixsite.com/portfolio, https://www.linkedin.com/in/elissa-cadillic/