Fran Boudrow

Francis C. Boudrow

Business Manager Heat & Frost Insulators

Business Manager Allied Workers, Local 6

Cushing-Gavin Awards Logo

Cushing-Gavin Award Recipient

Labor Award, 2016

For over 40 years, Fran Boudrow has been a committed member of Heat and Frost Insulators and Allied Workers Local #6. He has served as a union official for the past 27 years. In his first elected position as Asbestos Coordinator, Fran ensured that all members doing asbestos abatement work were properly trained and equipped. To this day, he has continued to ensure the health and safety of union members, negotiating contracts with signatory insulation and asbestos abatement contractors and monitoring projects. 

Fran began his career in 1971 as an apprentice for the Boston Naval Shipyard, joining Local #6 two years later as an apprentice insulator on mechanical projects in the Northeast. Four years later, he became a Journeyman mechanic and quickly gained respect for his exceptional work. 

Fran dedicates himself fully to his role as Business Manager/Financial Correspondence Secretary, just as he has for the past 19 years. His fellow union members remark that Fran “has always kept the membership’s best interests at heart, whether it’s negotiating a contract, maintaining all our great benefits, or making sure our pension remains strong.”

Fran has also served as the Vice President of the Massachusetts AFL-CIO, President of the New York/New England States Conference of Insulators, Trustee of the Heat and Frost Insulators Local 6 Pension Fund and Health and Welfare Fund, and Executive Board Member of the Massachusetts Building Trades Council.

CGA Speech Transcript:

Good Evening Ladies & Gentlemen, Brothers & Sisters, Family & Friends

Cardinal Sean O’Malley

General President Sean McGarvey & Mr. Andrew Dreyfus

My Fellow Awardee’s

Father Bryan Hehir

Allyson Every, Eileen Norton, Marty Callahan & everyone at the Labor Guild

Distinguished Guests

As most of you here tonight know, no one has ever made it very far in the Building Trades or any career without the support of a wonderful wife or husband.

And when I told my wife about this award and my needing to give a speech she gave me some typically great advice; she said to make it short & sweet so I will try to do my best to follow her advice.

I was truly shocked when Allyson called to inform me that I had been selected as the Labor Awardee and asked if I would accept. I am humbled by this recognition, because I personally know just how many great labor leaders have made such a significant impact in our area.

I have been attending this event for over 20 years and I had never envisioned myself being up here to receive this Award.

So it is with great honor that I accept this Cushing Gavin Labor Award on its 50th Anniversary and I accept it on behalf of all of the Officers and members of my home Local the Heat & Frost Insulators Local #6 in Boston.

Before I go any further I feel I must take this opportunity to thank some of the people who are most responsible for my being able to be here tonight.

First I need to thank the Love of my life and my best friend my beautiful wife MJ.

Next our two wonderful children my son Justin who just graduated from Cornell with his MBA and my daughter Danielle.  Danielle now represents her own union as an Executive Board member of the Harvard Union of Clerical and Technical Workers. They are two very special young adults who we love so much and of whom we are so very proud.

Our dearest family & friends for being here to celebrate with us and for being such an important part of our lives.

My friend and General President of our International Buddy McCourt

Leo Santa Maria who was our mentor and a great Labor leader and an even better father and family man.

I need to thank all of the officers of Local 6 who have served and worked with me all these years Jack Lister, Jim O’Day, Ed Zani, Joe Gallagher, Don Brennan and all of the other officers who have worked so hard and given so unselfishly for our members.

My office staff Eileen & Nancy – we couldn’t do it without both of you.

All of the members of Local 6, quite a few of whom are here tonight, thank you for your friendship and for giving me the opportunity to represent all of you over the last 30 years it has truly been an honor

Ted Brodie who was a former Cushing Gavin Management Awardee and Chairman of our Pension & Health & Welfare Funds who gave so much to our Industry.

My friend Don Sigel and everyone at Segal, Roitman, Andrew Sherman and the staff at the Segal Company, and Dan Dynan and Meketa for all that you do to help us to protect our member’s Pension & Health and Welfare Benefits.

And finally I need to thank our contractors who have been great friends and partners with our Local for many years.

They continue to provide our members with a very competitive wage rate and outstanding benefits. I am extremely proud of the fact that we have never had to go on strike to get a fair contract for our members. It has been pretty close a couple of times but we have been able to work through our differences and negotiate fair agreements.

This isn’t everyone by a long shot but I need to move on now in order to try and keep this short and sweet as suggested.

Boston and Massachusetts are very special places and I’m very proud to have called them home my entire life.

We have some of the finest hospitals and institutions of higher education in the world.

We have some pretty good sports teams as well but what makes Boston & Massachusetts truly World class is all of you,

Frank Callahan and the Mass Building Trades

Brain Doherty & the Boston Building Trades

I think we have the best State & Local Building Trades in the country.

We in the Building Trades are a different breed and are sometimes misunderstood. But my fellow Business Managers and Agents are the hardest working, most dedicated, and loyal associates and are the best friends you could ever hope for. They always have your back.

Rich Rogers and the Greater Boston Labor Council who do outstanding work

I was at an one of their awards ceremony a couple of weeks ago and, a fellow St Mary’s High School in Cambridge graduate, Myles Calvey from IBEW Local 2222 was being honored and he talked about their struggle against Verizon.  I marvel at their courage and determination to go on strike 5 times and win the battle to protect their members and retirees benefits.

Brian Lang and the Hotel workers recent struggle and win for their cafeteria workers at Harvard.

Barbara Madeloni and the Mass Teachers great win on question 2 protecting our Public Schools

Our home is world class because of people like Steve Tolman a great Labor Leader and President of the Mass AFL-CIO along with his fine staff.

It is because of all of my Brothers & Sisters who sit on the Mass AFL-CIO Executive Board and their commitment to making working people’s lives better and their futures more secure.

It is because of outstanding elected officials like the Mayor of Boston Martin Walsh and the best Senator in Washington Elizabeth Warren.

Most of all it is because of all of you and the citizens of our Commonwealth who overwhelmingly support women’s rights, and equal pay for work performed, and equal opportunities for everyone regardless of the color of their skin, their racial or ethnic background, their sexual preference, or their religious beliefs.

We just suffered through the ugliest and most divisive Presidential Election in our Country’s history, and I am worried about what the coming months and years could bring. But I have faith in our collective strength and your unwavering will to improve the lives of all Americans and working people everywhere,

So I ask all of you to remain committed to all of the things you have done so well for so long to protect your constituents, and to keep fighting for social and economic justice for everyone.

This award is a great honor, but the real honor of my career has been the privilege of being elected to represent and serve my fellow members of Local 6 and the opportunity that has provided me to advocate for all working people.

Thank you again to everyone who has made this night possible. I will be eternally grateful to all of you for your past and continued support and friendship.