Hugh J. Cameron
Labor Guild Board of Directors
International Secretary-Treasurer International Union of Police Associations
Hugh Cameron began his law enforcement career in 1984 with the Sharon Police Department, where he proudly served for 28 years and earned the rank of Sergeant. He served as Treasurer and then President of the Sharon Police Association, and later Vice President and then President of the Massachusetts Coalition of Police. He left Mass COP in 2016 to run for International Secretary-Treasurer of International Union of Police Associations AFL-CIO, and was elected in August of 2016.
He has served as a Vice President of the Massachusetts AFL-CIO, Vice President of the Norfolk County Central Labor Council, and I.U.P.A. Executive Board Region 12 Vice President serving on the Constitution and Legislative Committees. Hugh currently serves as the International Secretary-Treasurer for the International Union of Police Associations AFL-CIO Secretary-Treasurer in 2016.