William D. McLaughlin

William D. McLaughlin

President & Business Representative IUOE (Operating Engineers) Local 4

Cushing-Gavin Awards Logo

Cushing-Gavin Award Recipient

Labor Award, 2014

Even as a young Catholic Memorial student and quarterback, Billy McLaughlin’s life goal was clear: joining his dad Dennis, uncles and cousins as skilled operating engineers and proud members of IUOE Local 4.

Graduating from Local 4’s demanding four-year apprenticeship program in 1991, Bill earned the much-coveted Joseph Grande
(CGA 1991) Award as Top Apprentice Engineer. 

An outstanding equipment operator, Bill worked on the Big Dig and Deer Island projects. Elected to several Local 4 positions, he served as a Conductor, Convention Delegate, and Executive Board member.

Now President, Bill chairs Local 4’s Executive Board and Body meetings, and serves as Boston’s Business Representative. He is a Trustee of the Union, and their Pension and Annuity and Savings Plans. Bill is held in high regard by his peers in construction and labor relations for his thoughtful professionalism, integrity and deep industry knowledge. A skilled and effective negotiator, he is a strong, vigilant advocate for his members’ interests, and works tirelessly to secure new work opportunities.

“Our approach with developers is a sincere ‘Let us help you create a beautiful project that’s on-time, under-budget and done-right. Yes, our people come at a premium, and it’s based on value: competence, expert training and safety-minded professionalism.’ That’s a credible and persuasive business rationale.” 

Billy also serves as Vice President of the Metropolitan Boston Building and Construction Trades Council, representing 35,000 working families in the metropolitan area.

A 2009 graduate of the Harvard Trade Union Program, Bill and his wife Deborah, State Street Corporation’s VP of Global Customer Relations, live in Norton, MA.