Back by Popular Demand! Wed, May 21st Robert’s Rules & Parliamentary Procedures with the great Patricia Legault-Frank!

Parliamentarian Extraordinaire Patti Legault-Frank
Master Effective Meeting Management and Participation
Wednesday May 21, 2014, 9 am-1 pm
Location Map: Plumbers Local #12, 1240 Mass Avenue, Dorchester MA 02125
Free Parking – Rear of Building
Knowledge of Parliamentary Procedures gives you a powerful handle on the rules of democracy. Appropriate for anyone, in any organization, who attends or facilitates meetings.
Parliamentarian Patti Legault-Frank’s workshop is a must for anyone interested in effectively chairing or participating in meetings with confidence, fairness and ease.
Part of our Spring Wednesday Workshop series, this course is offered at a central Boston location at Plumbers #12’s beautiful hall. For more information and registration, click here.
Registration is only $79 — which includes Patti’s invaluable reference tools for anyone running a meeting who wants to focus on the content of the meeting, rather than procedure.
NOTE: While the formal session ends at 1 pm, those who might like to linger for an informal Q & A session are invited to pack a lunch and stay a while.
IMPORTANT: If you can, bring your organization’s bylaws to class. Also helpful, bring a copy of your group’s standing rules (if printed separately from the Bylaws) and a national constitution.
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