School Blog Post

Course Reflection- Persuasive Public Speaking: Building Effective Presentation and Persuasion Skills

Each week, as part of our School Blog, we’ll hear from a student enrolled in the course about the topics being covered, what they’re learning, and more! This week’s reflection is written by Claudette Wright, IBEW 2222.

I am a student in this class for the very first time. I have never been more excited to study with my brothers and sisters from all walks of life from the unions and neighborhoods throughout the country.

One of the reason I love this class is because we can see the personalities of all members of the class and build positive relationships. Building relationships is one of the most important things a person can do for happiness and harmony.

[I also think that] learning how to be an effective speaker is an essential key to allowing all voices to be heard at the table. Advocacy and mediation are so necessary for all people, who need solutions and not resolutions. When we take the time out and think, analyze, speak and articulate effectively, it can change the outcome and influence a positive direction of collective and individual goals. I also learned that it is impossible to be a public speaker with poor listening skills. [At the same time,] silence is an answer that can be more harmful than good. The way you speak and the influence matters so much, if it is not from a righteous perspective. Public speaking is a career and speakers can use it for the good of the people or with bad intent.

I am still learning, and I recommend anybody that needs to build positive relationships join the Labor Guild and take classes.

Check out all of the posts in this week’s School Blog here.

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