Running a meeting, or exercising your rights as a member, can be challenging. Union constitutions and bylaws typically require meetings to comply with Robert’s Rules of Order. This workshop will…
Running a meeting, or exercising your rights as a member, can be challenging. Union constitutions and bylaws typically require meetings to comply with Robert’s Rules of Order. This workshop will give chairs and members the tools they need for more effective union meetings and to be in compliance with their bylaws. Meeting minutes and recording…
In the Bylaws Review Workshop, we will review the importance and function of bylaws in union democracy. You will learn to understand and evaluate your union bylaws and work with…
In the Bylaws Review Workshop, we will review the importance and function of bylaws in union democracy. You will learn to understand and evaluate your union bylaws and work with them in relation to the union’s policies and procedures. Instructed by: Patti Legault-Frank, A Consulting Parliamentarian and Governance Specialist since 1981
We’ll cover the basics of union nominations and elections and what your union needs to be in compliance. This workshop will help you assess your union’s process to assure you meet minimum standards. You will be provided with samples of bylaw language; policies; nomination and election notices; and, election ballots to assure your governance documents…