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New Guild School Radio Ad ~ Listen Here

 This is fun.  
Check out this half-minute audio ad for the Guild’s upcoming Spring Term.  

Click on this link –>  Labor guild School_mixed


Those are the mellifluous tones of Guilder Paul McCarthy, our Education Committee Chair, and the ad is running on WATD, 95.9 FM on the South Shore.  Great voice! Great message!


Here’s the audio text: 

A great opportunity for all you adult learners: The oldest continuing adult labor-education center announces its Spring Term.  The Labor Guild School located in Weymouth Landing celebrates its 60th anniversary.

 Affordable classes in employment law, leadership skills, negotiations, and social media are presented by notable experts. Nationally known arbitrators, organizers, facilitators, and labor lawyers make up the GuildSchool’s stellar faculty.

The Spring Term starts on March 4. Interested students should contact The Labor Guild at 781-340-7887 or the Guild’s website, laborguild.com.


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