Kevin L. Cotter Gets his Just Desserts
A Marvelous Celebration for a Great Labor Leader!
at a 9/13/14 Testimonial at the Quincy Marriott
On Saturday night, a huge turnout of friends, family and longtime colleagues gathered in the Grand Ballroom of the Quincy Marriott Hotel to honor a wonderful leader and gentleman, Kevin L. Cotter, retired Business Manager of Plumbers #Local 12. Harry Brett, Jr. and his team organized a magnificent, touching and fun tribute to Kevin. They involved the UA on a local, regional and national level; and the broader labor movement, building trades, contractors and employers; community and church representatives.
Fr. Pat Sullivan, the Guild’s Chaplain Emeritus, gave the evening’s Invocation. Fr. Pat and Guild Executive Director Allyson Every, had a chance to share something of what Kevin means to the entire Labor Guild
Throughout his career and life, Kevin is someone who quietly makes good things happen.
For the Labor Guild, Kevin has been a go-to guy from the get-go. He’s served as Guild President, the Labor Co-chair of the CGA Dinner TWICE, won the Cushing-Gavin Award for Labor in 2004. This year, Kevin agreed take on his Executive Chair duties for our next CGA Dinner Dec 5th. He’s a cherished member of the Guild’s Kitchen Cabinet where we seek his wise counsel.
Fr. Ed Boyle, his friend, mentor and brother, once wrote that whenever Kevin Cotter is confronted with his impressive accomplishments, Kevin always insists that everything was “the result of team efforts. Such modesty is simply one of the personal qualities that have made his leadership attractive — and very effective. His unflappable, diplomatic but savvy and perceptive manner has helped:
- strengthen and expand Local 12 and the UA,
- nuture new seeds of cooperation with the Contractors Association,
- insert Labor’s voice more effectively into Board rooms and state politics.”
“Perhaps more surprising,” Ed continued, “he seems to accomplish this almost effortlessly … and with a ready smile.”
We are so grateful to you, Kevin, for being such an amazing Guilder. Sending blessings and best wishes to you and Betty!
Here are a few iPhone snaps of that terrific event. No it wasn’t foggy inside the Quincy Marriott. Fortunately, there were professional photographers in the house, but for now, here goes! [One thing’s certain: the Brett Family Photo Dynasty has NOTHING to worry about.]

L-R: Fr. Patrick Sullivan, MA Auditor Suzanne Bump, Paul McDevitt at Kevin Cotter Celebration 9-13-14

Brian Doherty, Boston Building Trades and Tom Kerr, Pipefitters & Guild Board at Kevin Cotter Reception 9-13-14
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