One Way to Honor Labor Day – Actively Push JOB CREATION for Unemployed Workers
ON LABOR DAY – Remember the Unemployed and Underemployed Worker.
Urge Your Elected Officials to Tackle JOB CREATION.
Build bridges. Build a new national power grid.
Retrofit all schools and public building with green energy.
The problem of unemployment is…
“very often caused by a purely economic view of society, which seeks self-centered profit, outside the bounds of social justice…I wish to extend an invitation to everyone to greater solidarity and to encourage those in public office to spare no effort to give new impetus to employment. This means caring for the dignity of the person.”
Pope Francis
At May 1, 2013 General Audience
The Feast of St. Joseph the Worker

Pope Francis. Behold: The Papal Selfie. Thanks to Fabio Ragona.
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